High-grade $2 smoke bomb Danger Level: Adorable Baby Kitten (extremely low) Work Area:near water and water container with a 3-7. inch radius-(line going to middle, not thru middle). Go for the biggest possible Awwwright Cool Need: instant cold packs (the kind you rub and they get cold Newspaper a bucket or sink Instructions: Cut open the instant cold pack. There will be a small baggie and a bunch of beads. These beads are known as "ammonium nitrate". Discard the bag and put the beads in the bucket. Gently and slowly add water until they dissolve. Swirl the water around for an even coating. Fold up single sheets of the newspaper, and put them in the bucket, soaking thoroghly (speling???) Take them out unfold, and let dry (the will be fragile to ripping, but not glass-bone fragile. Be GENTLE) After they dry, you can fold them, rip or crumple them or whatever. Light and it's smoking Smiley