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Automobile Insertion

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:14 pm
by Psychlonic
Traveling to and from a location in a vehicle is an often overlooked method but also potentially dangerous and compromising. This is because your vehicle can be traced back to it's owner and thus, while you can put on a mask and gloves to hide your identity, your vehicle cannot without arousing suspicion.

The two keys to the successful use of an automobile are as follows:

Limited Exposure
Optimal Hiding

Your vehicle should be treated just like you, only cumbersome and unable to jump fences and sneak through property... at least not without raising some eyebrows. Obviously, you don't just drive straight in front of your objective, park, and get to work. If you can get away with doing so, why bother sneaking around in the first place?
You don't want anyone to see your vehicle anymore than you can help. You don't want your vehicle seen anywhere near the objective and you don't want to arouse any suspicion while inside. Finally, you DO NOT want anybody to see you entering or exiting the vehicle at ANY point of the operation. This is vital! Always make it appear as an automobile parked for a long time or moving through the area with no association to it. Do not show signs that you are in the area. If you can help it, you don't want your vehicle to be seen at all while it is parked.
For this reason you will need a good hiding spot for it while you are on foot. Even if you have a driver, they will need to park the vehicle out of the immediate area of operations as to disassociate it - and indirectly you - with the operation.

While inside the vehicle, you do NOT wear your gear. You don't even have it inside the cab with you unless you are sitting passenger and preparing to be dropped somewhere. Always keep your gear locked in your trunk/toolbox, where you can deny the right to search and where it won't draw suspicion.
If you are being dropped off, keep your gear in a bag of any sort and only put it on after you are hidden. This can be tricky. It's acceptable to put on some gloves just prior to being dropped off so that as you access a hidden location you won't leave prints. You can also do simple things like wear only the pants of your uniform and maybe the boots (unless you wear something out of the ordinary like tabi), and whatever undershirts you wear. This way, you can slip the remainder of your outfit on quicker and proceed with the operation.
During the drop off itself, the vehicle must be in a location that NOBODY can see you get out. This location will not be in front of the objective but rather the beginning of a route that leads to it, hidden from sight. Carry a radio as to be in touch with your driver at all times and, if you've got one, make sure the driver is loaded with goodies like a police scanner and any other helpful electronics to aid you.
Have a code word or phrase for vital information, such as "cops are coming, get out of there", "I need picked up", and "I'm being chased and need to find another pick up location". The 5-0 listens in on GMRS and other common radio freqs too, and you can't always trust built-in scrambling capabilities.
When you are picked up, make sure your conspicuous gear is removed and place it back into the trunk before leaving. If you have to hurry and cannot do this, duck down and return to the parking zone and do so there while out of sight.

If you are solo with no driver, you need to hide the vehicle in a location that you are absolutely sure nobody can see you get out, get your equipment, and sneak into the shadows. In some areas, you might even be able to cover the vehicle with some sort of camouflage. When you come back, take the extra time to scope the surrounding area and make sure nobody is staking the vehicle out. Place your gear in the trunk and leave.

In a black op situation, rarely should you bring the loot all the way back to your automobile. Stash it in a drop point instead where you are certain nobody could see a vehicle at night. Then, drive up to the drop point when your vehicle ready to be loaded and locked up as quickly as possible. Be sure that, if nothing else, you wear gloves at all times. Cops can be more clever than you might think.

Things to remember:
At night, you're usually a silhouette at any reasonable distance. People can't discern much about you or what you are wearing. They can, however, pick up on suspicious looking movements and will identify bags or loot you might be carrying. Always be inconspicuous near your vehicle.

Again, your transport is to be treated just like you. Be mindful of noise and light discipline, draw as little attention to your vehicle as humanly possible when starting the motor, opening the doors, and leaving from where you are parked.

If police have your plate, they have your name. Don't put yourself into a situation where anybody feels the need to write down your plate on the night of an operation.

So, quick review of the essentials:
- Limit the exposure times your vehicle receives and make sure nobody sees the vehicle stopped. Ever.
- Keep in constant and encrypted communication with your driver, if applicable.
- Do everything you can to not draw suspicion to yourself or your vehicle while stopped, just in case you're not as well hidden as you think.
- Never bring the vehicle itself anywhere near the objective.
- While in and around the car, you are not in night ops mode. You are in nonchalant, "I'm just driving by" mode.
- Assume at some point, you will be seen and make sure nothing can become of it.

Your vehicle is a great tool for night ops, capable of taking you out of locations you aren't able to operate in and into locations that are prime exploring. Just be sure you're careful about using it, and keep in mind there's no such thing as overkill in hiding your identity and remaining unseen and untraceable.