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Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:10 pm
by SterileChair
noun. cryp·​sis ˈkrip-səs. : the ability of an organism to conceal itself especially from a predator by having a color, pattern, and shape that allows it to blend into the surrounding environment.
Crypsis is generally used in relation to shadows; blending into the night.

What are some of the best or your personal favorite ways to blend into the shadows, to evade and maintain anonymity in close quarters with a person, or favorite way to distract someone to get away, assassins creed style?

Re: Crypsis

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:46 am
by NoLongerLocked25
Throw a rock at a tree. Stay completely still and wait for their head to be turned the other way as they move onto the next area. If they come closer, stay completely still. Mimic the environment around you. If its still and quiet, be that way. Move only when your surroundings are not attune. Loud and still, move only when not seen and use the noise pollution to move easier.

Always wait for the right moment. If you're in the darkness and your enemy doesn't know you are there, staying completely still and waiting for that right moment will always be the Way. After all, what they cant sense, they cant fence.