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Night Ops: 7th Homework Assignment

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:30 am
by Xanatos
Is this post tl;dr? Fuck you, read it anyway. If you don't have time, put a reminder somewhere to look at it when you do have time.

We operatives are a dark lot in the sense that our lifestyle revolves around the night. However, each of us have a day life too that we have to maintain. This daily life often gets in the way and prevents us from opping as often as we'd like. And on the rare occasion we have the time to do an op we either lack the motivation, are out of shape or simply can't get into the "zone".
But just because we can't op enough doesn't mean we have to fall completely out of touch with ourselves. So for the next few weeks I'm going to be setting homework tasks that I expect each and every one of you to complete. Just simple exercises to help you stay sharp and in shape.
These assignments also extend to you visiting guests and silent lurkers - yes, you, the reader - I want you all to participate as well.


No lesson, just prac.


Time to put everything you've learned into practice. If you've been keeping up with the weekly assignments then you should have developed better stealth perception, feel more agile and have your SOL (Standard Op Loadout) sorted out - although I sense a drop in participation since week 1. :( This week, one night, you're going to run a little mini practice op around your house. Wait until everyone in your house goes to sleep and then sneak around your house, infiltrating and circumnavigating every room without making a sound. The goal obviously is to test how well you see in the dark and how quietly you can move in a static environment.

Another night, do the same thing but while wearing your SOL. This should give you a better 'feel' for your kit and you can better identify any problems with your loadout. You'll notice that you don't move as quietly in your SOL than while moving around in your pyjamas, so it may take slightly longer.

Another night, sneak outside your house whilst in your SOL, explore your backyard and then sneak back in. This should expose you to transitioning between static & dynamic environments and how you adapt to entering each one; once outside, there'll be more ambient noise and more light than when inside, allowing you to move with a bit more liberty. Of course once you get used to it you'll need to be able to adapt back into 'static' mode when you re-enter the house.

Obviously the main risk here is being detected by your own family members/housemates, so tread with all caution and have an excuse ready. Post your results or any issues you have here.

Good luck.

Brotips: * If you happen to live by yourself, don't fret. Pretend you're in a new environment and move in such a way that you don't hear yourself moving. If you can't hear your own footsteps, neither can anyone else.
* If you've got a set of lockpicks you may want to try locking yourself out and picking your way back in. Although do bring a key with you just in case your picking skills aren't up to par.
* If you've got alarms or campus security to worry about, incorporate that into your training by finding ways to bypass them.
* Do plenty of stretches before conducting your practice ops, especially around the joints. This will prevent your joints cracking loudly as you move around the house.
* Go over previous week's material to refresh your knowledge on the skills we worked on, particularly in the hearing & observation departments.

Class dismissed.

Re: Night Ops: 7th Homework Assignment

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:13 pm
by Wind
I don't really have anything of significance to report from this final assignment. However, I just want to say thanks, @Xanatos. I have enjoyed working my way through these assignments. :D

Re: Night Ops: 7th Homework Assignment

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:03 pm
by Xanatos
Hope it helps.