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Breaching tools

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 9:44 pm
by MustacheOperator
What are some of your favorite stealth and dynamic breaching tools?

I will always take a good set of picks, shims and jims. I am moderately skilled at picking locks. The dumpy 5-6 pin tumblers. High security locks are a no-go for me. However there are times when high speed destructive entry is required as well.

Dynamic entries can be accomplished with as little as breaking a window, kicking a door repeatedly at the lock box or as complex as Halligan bars, sledge hammers, bolt cutters and even cutting torches. Most of these can be "liberated" from construction sites, supply companies and that sort.

So what did I miss?

Re: Breaching tools

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 11:33 pm
by Sicarius
No dynamic entries. These are retarded most of the time. You could go an entire operation with no trace, but being lazy, impatient, and unskilled leads to a dynamic entry which is unnecessary. And if people are on site your fucked by the sound. Your options are essentially kick the door for a CQB scenario, use bump keys, and break a window for a CQB scenario. This is not only impractical, but it ruins the leave no trace idea. Regardless of whether someone is a serious operator or a cosplayer exploring the local pool, being destructive is not needed, impractical, and leaves evidence.

Lishi tools are expensive but amazing to use from what I have seen. Under door cameras or boroscopes are useful for several situations. Psychlonic likes under door tools(UDT's), I have never used one but they seem effective based on research. Slim jims or travelers hooks for door latches. Other than that, it really just comes down to picking as the most practical for stealth. It is the most effective way of attacking a high security lock without copying a key, it is relatively silent, and it is easily carried.

Dynamic entries have their very small place, but most of the time you should never use them. I guess if you plan on killing 3 guys behind a door or something, maybe kick it in rather than pick it. Idk though, I am not a stealth master or in the military

Re: Breaching tools

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 8:08 pm
by MustacheOperator
Hmm I have found utility in high speed entries.

Sometimes your targets are protected in such a way as to make a stealth approach unfeasible, making speed, surprise and violence of action your best friend.

For instance, if you know the location of a target and your mission is to acquire or destroy it for whatever reason, a dynamic entry and rapid exfiltration can provide you with better security than playing it inch by inch. Especially if it is defended by locks you can't pick, alarms you can't bypass or cameras you suspect are monitored. Another circumstance would be a stealth operation that was compromised, but the mission is simply too vital to abort based on those conditions alone.

No matter how good you are at remaining stealthy, there is always the unknown unknowns that are impossible to effectively plan for. In a split second, you may need to decide whether going dynamic or aborting the mission is the better choice.

Re: Breaching tools

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 9:44 pm
by Sicarius
MustacheOperator wrote:
Tue May 25, 2021 8:08 pm
Hmm I have found utility in high speed entries.

Sometimes your targets are protected in such a way as to make a stealth approach unfeasible, making speed, surprise and violence of action your best friend.

For instance, if you know the location of a target and your mission is to acquire or destroy it for whatever reason, a dynamic entry and rapid exfiltration can provide you with better security than playing it inch by inch. Especially if it is defended by locks you can't pick, alarms you can't bypass or cameras you suspect are monitored. Another circumstance would be a stealth operation that was compromised, but the mission is simply too vital to abort based on those conditions alone.

No matter how good you are at remaining stealthy, there is always the unknown unknowns that are impossible to effectively plan for. In a split second, you may need to decide whether going dynamic or aborting the mission is the better choice.
Abort the mission then, but there is a covert way to bypass pretty much everything. Dynamic 4 man entries and stuff like that are risky, now imagine one guy with limited firepower! Cameras can be handled dynamically and covert. Even if the mission was vital, and I mean stopping a large terrorist attack or something type of vital, door kicking, window smashing, and little else is practical or needed. If anything, bring charges or a shotgun(or an underbarrel shotgun for a pistol?) for doors. Any door that cannot be kicked open typically has glass, or can easily be latched open. Anything other than that use charges, or do it covertly as other dynamic methods take too long and get you shot while they make noise.

Rapid exfiltration, although I would call it escape and evasion, does not always need dynamic entry, typically because you are leaving and building security keeps people out but not in. Do note this is general, not a certain rule.

So, in my opinion, I think the only logical dynamic entries are door kicking, window breaking, explosive charges, and shotguns. I think these are logical because they are quick and violent, giving you surprise without making the enemy alert. Any other dynamic entries I think are impractical, because they take too long. If there are any other quick ones, I would consider them and be more open minded. This is also all conforming to this forum and a realistic approach to stealth. If you want to go punisher on some people, that has it pros and cons just like stealth, and obviously has much more room for dynamic entry.

Also, not trying to be rude, sorry if it comes across like that :)

Re: Breaching tools

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 12:10 pm
by Xanatos
Lockpicks & crowbars for me. They seem to get me into most places.