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Routine Critique - Share Your Advice & Mistakes

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:46 pm
by Lynx
Alright, I'm posting the two calisthenics routines I've been doing this year. Fitness is a large part of opping and I'm dedicating a lot of time to it. I'd rather make my time spent more efficient, rather than doing pointless stuff for extended periods of time. Also I'm procrastinating on my work to do this, so bear with me. Opping and Muay Thai goes anywhere in between my work/calisthenics schedule.

Equipment: Playground (parallel bars, high straight bar), climbing rope with 14kg attached (hang around neck - also all I have. All my backpacks break at 10kg).

Routine 1 - Called it "Nops 1"
This was something I did for 10 weeks to build up my strength. Yes, 10 weeks. I can into commitment. Keep in mind that this was a "prep" course for my future routines.

Monday: Chest/Triceps/Biceps
Chinups 3x8 (1 Min Rest) - Always with 14kg. Focusing on form (fast up, very slow down) for maximum Kai Greene factor.
Parallel Bar Dips 3x8-10 (1 Min Rest) - Used 14kg, often did 10 but failed on the other two sets. Kept going with fragmented reps until the set was completed.
Straight Bar Dips 3x8 (1 Min Rest) - Going as far down as I can, trying to attain dat dere muscle up strength. Having problems with transition.

Wednesday: Back/Abdominals
Week A: 3x8 Pronated Grip Pullups (1 Min Rest) - 14kg Weight, often failed and had to work it like a drop set.
Week B: 3x8 Behind Neck Pullups (1 Min Rest)
3x10 Leg Raises (1 Min Rest) - Done from semi-dead hang (not sure how you call it when you're flexing your lats for stability), tried to touch the bar every time.

Friday: Legs/Shoulders
Pistol Squats (Initial 3x5, 1 Min Rest) - Started with 3x5 due to a massive hip flexor injury. Don't do axe kicks without a warmup, kids. Nearly snapped my hip flexor, was out of action for 5 months.
Front Raises 3x10 (Using the rope with 14kg) - Focused on form.

Yep, that was my old routine. Layout was axbxcxx.

Routine 2 - Current. I call it "Nops 2".
The layout is...
Week A: axbxaxx
Week B: bxaxbxx

A: Chest/Triceps/Abdominals
Parallel Bar Dips - 3x5-8 (2 Min Rest) - Use 14 kg, always. Currently managing 3x6.
Week A: Straight Bar Dips 3x8-12 (1 Min Rest)
Week B: Korean Dips 3x8-12 (1 Min Rest)
Leg Raises 3x8-10 (1 Min Rest)

B: Back/Biceps/Legs/Abdominals
A: Pronated Grip Pullups 3x8-10 (1 Min Rest, Sometimes I do 3x5 with 14kg)
B: Chinups 3x5-8 (2 Min Rest) - I'm weird here, I always do as many as I can with 14kg and ride out the rest of the sets. Managing 9 reps with 14kg so far.
Pistol Squats 3x10-12 (1 Min Rest) - Hip flexor injury is okay!
Leg Raises - 3x10 (1 Min Rest)

Well, what mistakes am I making? In routine 2 you can notice that I haven't been training shoulders as much as I should. I "think" that my Parallel bar dips train shoulders. I hope they do, but it doesn't look like it.
Handstand pushups... something I can't do yet. I can do handstand pushup negatives, but I hate inconsistency. So I never do negatives. Pike pushups are also inconsistent, since I don't have the exact same foot placement every time. I'll make something up for my shoulders.

Re: Routine Critique - Share Your Advice & Mistakes

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:16 am
by Psychlonic
It's good to see this topic come up, I've been thinking a lot about a night ops oriented routine. Currently, I adhere to a general fitness routine that doesn't really specialize in anything but does keep me in fair shape.

I was envisioning something involving repeated vaults, leaps over fences, etc. that emphasize the endurance, agility, and balance that are critical to clearing obstacles quietly or simply evading without gassing out. Any climbing and BWEs will obviously contribute to this as well. Running is an obvious must-have inclusion to any night ops specific routine too.